
What a kick!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"You Broke My Heart!"

What do you get when you have a 4 year old, worn out from hot days of summer and the night time experience of going to Vacation Bible School for 3 nights in a row?? A Drama Queen!!!!

Jess was complaining and whining and finally called me a "Stupid Mamma!" when I was not moving fast enough to provide him with my hair and his juice!!! (His comfort position) Well, Stupid Mamma had a magazine in her hands and had enough, rolled it together and smacked him on his rear and told him to not call me or anyone else Stupid! He ran bawling to the front of the house to tell his father on me!!! After about 5 minutes he comes back while I'm reading said magazine and crawls into bed with me and very quietly and gingerly requests his juice. After a few more minutes I tell him that I love him and he starts crying and says "Mamma, you broke my heart when you spanked me!" I said well you hurt my feelings and I've told you you cannot call anyone stupid. And he says, "But Mamma you broke my heart into a million little pieces!" I tried not to laugh outloud and Bruce comes in and asks what's wrong with him?? I said there's nothing wrong with him! Other than being deliriously tired!!! After about 10 minutes Jess was out! Sleeping like the quiet angel his Mamma knows and loves!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You fill my heart with JOY :)

Knew you could do it!

Loved it!!

Keep it up!!!

Your Friend,
(aka Moe)